or rather, what i finished reading obsessively last night. after christmas shopping with the cutler fam on saturday, we headed over to
mckay's to see what treasures we might find.
i found this little gem in the history section and decided at $3 it was just the right kind of useless miscellany i would enjoy devouring as i recovered thanksgiving week. i mean, really folks, a history of personal hygiene? perfect!
every time i read a classic i ask josh, wiki, and google things about everyday life in the time period. what did they eat? how come the girls didn't work? what did they wear? how did they do their hair? did they bathe? and finally, at least one of those questions is answered!
it was funny, interesting, and most importantly, completely prepared me to dominate on this particular topic in any trivia game!
up next on the reading docket (really, i'm already 35 of the 802 pages into it...which may not seem like a good start but so far i have read about luther, the reformation, erasmus, and am moving on to calvin) is this overview of western culture:
what a nerd i've become!
Are you in my brain? I wrote (but haven't posted) a little ditty about what "I'm reading now". Guess I'm just gonna have to look like a big copycat!
Have you always read non-fiction? I don't remember that about you...
i love non fiction and tend to read it far more than fiction and talk about it far less! i really don't care for contemporary fiction, but i do like a good workout for my brain!
thanks for your comment!!!!
Lisa finds literature boring because the stories she tells are far more interesting than anything that Dumas, Tolstoy, Updike, and McCarthy could ever have written.
I'm afraid Lisa will accumulate too much knowledge from reading non-fiction and evolve into a logic-devouring supercomputer, like in Star Trek!
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